commercial air filters

How Often Should Commercial Air Filters Be Changed?

It can be tricky to know when is the right time to change your commercial air filters to ensure your industrial facility runs smoothly.

Since you are here looking for helpful answers to how often you should change commercial air filters, we will provide a quick overview.

What Manufacturers Say About the Frequency of Changing Filters

Before attempting to change your industrial air filters, you’ll want to check the manufacturer’s guide on how often to change the dirty air filter.

Different air filter suppliers will recommend different frequencies, depending on the type of filter they supply, the air pollutants it is intended for, and the life expectancy of the filter.

Since commercial air filter manufacturers are many and serve different industries, it’s difficult to determine a general statement of the ideal frequency.

The frequency of how often you will have to change a dirty filter ranges from 30 days to several months or years.

It’s advisable to consult your user’s manual or the manufacturer’s guide to obtain the frequency. If you don’t have access to the manual, there’s no harm in calling the supplier to get the information.

The General Frequency for Changing Commercial Air Filters

custom industrial air filter

The timelines below usually apply across many industries for how often you should change a commercial air filter:

  • Every 30 days (for filters exposed to extreme amounts of dust, debris, or contaminant loads)
  • Quarterly
  • Bi-annually
  • Annually

Besides these general timelines, the frequency of changing industrial air filters may depend on the dust collector’s filter type.

How Often Should Cartridge Filters for Dust Collectors Be Changed?

You can change cartridge filters used in dust collectors at the following intervals or frequencies:

  • Quarterly (every 3-4 months—3 to 4 times a year)
  • Bi-annually (every six months—twice a year)
  • Annually (once every year)
  • Every two years (only once in two years)
  • Every 3-5 years (This is the lifespan of most cartridge filters used in dust collectors. If you only use it for light loads, it can last long before it needs to be changed.)

How Often Should Baghouse Filters Be Changed?

industry setup

You can change baghouse filters or filter bags at the following intervals or frequencies:

  • Quarterly
  • Bi-annually
  • Annually
  • Every two years (Most baghouse filter bags have a service life of 1-3 years. For low-load applications, they can complete this duration in good shape. But it’s advisable to change your filter bags at least six months before their expiry date.)

General Frequencies for Changing Baghouse and Cartridge Dust Collector Filters

It’s not always easy to pinpoint the specific point in time when you should change a commercial air filter.

  • Every time you notice strange smells on the filter.
  • Every time your production line switches to producing another product, even if it’s closely related. For such instances, you can use the following as an alternative:
  • Every time local, state, federal, or national government regulatory bodies order your industrial facility to change its filters or overhaul its filtration systems.
  • Whenever the filters become contaminated by mould, bacteria, and other possible contaminants.
  • As soon as the baghouse or cartridge dust collector fails (sadly, this is too late).
  • Every time the differential pressure between the clean and dirty sides of the filter constantly goes beyond 6″. This pressure difference could suggest filter blinding, meaning the filter is permanently clogged and can’t filter air pollutants.
  • Every time the filter tears or becomes riddled with holes.
  • Every time the indoor air quality falls drastically, and the active filter doesn’t help.

Factors that Determine How Often to Change Commercial Air Filters

filters in wood factory

How often to change commercial air filters depends on factors such as:

  • Types of particulate matter the filter is removing. For example, corrosive gases will cause filter wear and tear faster than other less caustic airborne particles.
  • The volume of the particulate matter. As more airborne particles need to be filtered, they become overloaded or overworked and require changing more often to avoid a clogged filter.
  • The facility’s production rate. A commercial facility producing more goods will have more debris than another with a lower output rate, and you must change its filters sooner.
  • Filter type or filter media type. Filters have varying characteristics that determine their strengths and weaknesses. Installing the wrong filter for the waste at your facility will cause inefficiency and the need for more frequent filter changes.
  • Local, state, federal, or national laws.
  • Filter size. If you install a small filter where a big one is necessary, you will compromise the system’s efficiency, and you’ll have to change filters sooner if you keep using the wrong size.
  • Weather. Some filters are prone to moulding during winter. They require changing at regular intervals.

If you are still at a loss about how often you should do a filter change for commercial baghouses and cartridge dust collector systems, let us assess your filtration needs and advise you on the way forward.

When our technicians arrive at your facility, they will check the filters, remove the dirty air filters, and install clean ones. The ones removed are transported back to our premises for cleaning and further inspections.

If the dirty filters are irreparably damaged, a Robinson’s Filter Solutions team member will send you a quote for a new filter replacement.

You can opt to receive your filters once they are cleaned or let us store them for you until you next need them.
