Several factors must be considered when answering this question, including: the filter media and make, the specific use and the contaminate being filtered, how it has been handled, and the length of time between changes. On average, the same filter can be cleaned 8 times. If you would like more information about a specific filter, do not hesitate to contact us.
We recommend having an extra set of filters. This allows you to rotate between sets while your filters are being cleaned.
When equipment is maintained and filters are replaced, often they are discarded. With our process, that same filter can be reused many times.
After a filter’s usefulness has been maximized it is then properly disposed of. This not only saves the environment but also saves you money.
Every filter processed at Robinson’s undergoes strict inspection and quality checks to ensure peak performance. As well, the number of times a filter has been cleaned is tracked right on the filter, so that both Robinson’s Filter Solutions and you, our client, knows how many times it has been refurbished.
If your filter is not performing at peak levels, has holes, or is damaged, we will replace it on the spot to ensure that our clients are not left without.
Routes are on a predetermined schedule according to the needs of our customers.
Absolutely, you have three choices:
• we can provide one of our pre-cleaned air filters that we keep in stock
• we can provide a new filter
• you can acquire a new filter from another source
There are a couple of ways that Robinson’s Filter Solutions can help you get a new filter. First, you can email directly or contact us through our website with the filter specs, and (if possible) a photo. Secondly, you can call Lloyd, and he will work with you to find the exact filter that you are looking for. It is also possible for him to visit your facility to discuss your filtration needs.
Can’t find the answer you are looking for? – Give us a call. Our experienced and friendly staff are ready to help.